Iapos;m currently reading Barackapos;s book, Dreams from My Father. Itapos;s really interesting and gives me a good perspective on who he is as a person, where he comes from, what he believes and what a diverse background he has. I think he was brutally honest about a lot of things. I checked the copyright date and it said it was published in 1995. I wonder if he would have put all that stuff in there now? Probably.
Regardless, itapos;s a fascinating read.
Barackapos;s background reminded me of America. Weapos;re this polyglot of cultures and ethnicity and diversity reaching towards an ideal and if Barack Obama doesnapos;t represent that ideal, I donapos;t know who does. But even more than that, I feel like he speaks for all the invisible people in this country. A lot of the confusion of trying to find his place in the world as a young man reminded me of the things I went through as a fringe element in my own culture. I donapos;t know why I feel so strongly that what our times need is change, but I do and I donapos;t think weapos;ll get a better leader to move towards the future than Barack.
It was weird because while I was at Barnes Noble last night, browsing, I found another book called 2012, which talks about enormous global shifts that have been predicated by many, many, many scholars as well as astrologers, astronomers, and scientists. Something really big is coming and itapos;s not necessarily going to be easy. We need someone with new vision to help get us through that.
Dreams from My Father seemed to confirm all the things I believe weapos;re going to need from a leader and not just a leader for America, but for the World. Thatapos;s something I donapos;t think McCain understands.
Itapos;s really good book. I highly recommend it ;0)
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