пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

fast food businesses

we were supposed to hang out tomorrow, right? well, guess what? heapos;s fucking grounded. Because he lied about skipping half a class to his parents. Jesus fucking christ. Two weeks in advance. TWO FUCKING WEEKS. This is such fucking bullshit. Iapos;m actually angry. I took the time, i made plans with him. You donapos;t just cancel on a best friend. No. You donapos;t. Two fucking weeks, this is bullshit. Iapos;m going to ignore him. Thatapos;s my plan. If he doesnapos;t get the fucking hint, then... I donapos;t know. I want to punch something.

camber speaker, fast food businesses, fast food business strategy, fast food business statistics, fast food business plans.

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